Author Archive (Total: 2 posts)

The Google Hummingbird Algorithm

The official logo for Google Hummingbird, a massive update to Google's search algorithm.

For the first time in years, Google has released an overhaul on how its search algorithm answers queries. Google Hummingbird has now replaced 2010´s Caffeine, which saw updates such as Panda and Penguin.

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WordPress 3.6.1 Update

WordPress 3.6 - Boutros AbiChedid.

The reliability and flexibility of WordPress has made it a popular choice for both Web development and blogs. As a content management system (CMS), WordPress helps businesses, corporations, news outlets and many other organizations keep track of content created by multiple users. A good CMS is always evolving, and WordPress is no exception. The latest release, version 3.6.1, shows a commitment to positive user experience and overall platform security. Continue Reading »