Five Reasons for Choosing White Hat SEO

If you are looking for a short-cut method to successful SEO, STOP!
There are black hat SEO techniques…short-cuts that are considered illegal by the search engines. Never opt for black hat SEO, it will lead your Website to doom and ruin your reputation. To rank higher in SERPs, always use white hat SEO methods. They are safer, ethical and will give you long-lasting and sustainable results.
Here is how black hat SEO hampers your business and why you should use white hat search engine optimization tactics:
1. Search Engines Value Content
Writing rich content is one of the best practices of white hat SEO. Content should be optimized for search engines – keywords are used in controlled manner (avoiding keyword density) to achieve optimum results.
In black hat SEO, the content is crammed with keywords and this technique is disliked by the search engines.
2. Proper use of Meta Tags
Meta tags assist search engines to know about your Website and its purpose. They help search engines know the title of your Website, keywords it is targeting, the objective of building the Website, better indexing your Website, etc.
Black hat SEO does the reverse by filling the Meta tags with excessive keywords to achieve better search engine results. The results may be beneficial for a while but search engines will ultimately track down this method and drop the Website’s rank.
3. Significance of Website Design and Programming
White hat SEO pays emphasis on your Website´s design and development and its optimization through correct linking, design and content optimization, valid coding standards, etc.
Black hat SEO highlights hidden links and content that is not related to the site to increase internal and external linking, target keywords, etc. Visitors are thus disappointed when they find something different in your Website while looking for some other information.
A common practice is the use of invisible text stuffed with keywords to fool search engines and rank a Website higher for those keywords. This is usually done by including text of the same color as the background, not viewable by the viewer, but crawl-able by search engine spiders.
4. Apt Link Exchange
White hat SEO helps appropriate link exchange to get better results in SERPs. Black hat SEO utilize tactics like improper link exchange and creation of fake Websites that will harm your business.
5. Regular Tracking of Visitors
White hat SEO helps in the regular tracking of your visitors. On the contrary, black hat SEO focuses on earning money without attaching any importance to visitors. This unethical technique may give you high revenue, but is highly condemned by search engines. Besides, this is not a very sustainable method as far as revenue generation is concerned.
Black hat SEO techniques will give you benefits only for a short while since search engines have become quite intelligent and adaptable in tracking unethical practices. Search engines now employ effective algorithms to punish black hat SEO processes. Remember that only white hat SEO is going to give you beneficial results as far as higher page rank for your Website. Bottom line, ethical coding and SEO practices reap you long term rewards and benefits.