How To Build an Authority Website

Authority Websites are highly respected in Google and other Search Engines, and owning one makes your life easier. New content is quickly indexed and ranks with little work on your end. You get lots of traffic, you can reach out to thousands of visitors with a single post and you own a truly valuable asset. Authority Websites are powerful and long-lasting.
Even better: authority Websites can be sold for more monthly revenue than small, niche Websites. Buyers are more willing to spend money on authority Websites because they know that big, trusted Websites are going to remain profitable for a longer time than small, niche sites. Plus, authority Websites can tackle new markets with ease.
Hopefully I have you sold on authority Websites by now. If you like what you are hearing so far, you will be glad to know that you too can build an authority Website. You have to be patient and willing to work hard without pay, but creating an authority Website is worthwhile in the long run.
Planning for an Authority Website
Planning is important for authority Websites because they can cover a lot of ground. You need to plan where you will start and where you want to take the Website. Think about what you want the site to accomplish, how it will make money and what steps you need to take to get there. Write a list of content ideas and organize the navigation of your Website.
Next, you will need to pick a domain name. The cool thing about authority Websites is that the domain name does not have to be a perfect, exact match domain. Try to make a memorable brand with the domain and include at least one of your keywords in there, this can help with both Search Engine Optimization and also build authority. Another great tip is to purchase an older domain name that is already established and has a certain amount of authority. Go ahead and read How To Choose the Right Domain Name.
And finally, you have to mentally prepare yourself for a long road of hard work. The biggest disadvantage of building authority Websites is that they take longer to become profitable. Since they are not focused entirely on a specific niche, authority Websites take time to develop and become loved by the search engines.
Getting it Running
The fastest way to get your authority site up and running is to focus most of your content on one niche for now. You do not need to do everything all at once. Look for a profitable niche subject and write lots of content for that subject. After you get a little money coming in, you will find it easier to promote other products and expand into new markets.
For example, let´s say you have a new weight loss domain. You plan to eventually become the worldwide authority on all things related to weight loss. Your long term plan is to rank number one for “weight loss.” These are admirable goals, but it´s going to take you a very long time to get there. What you can do in the meantime is focus on less competitive keywords. Get the ball rolling, drum up some cash and get the Website moving as quickly as possible.
So instead of going after “weight loss” with 100% of your focus right off the bat, consider targeting easier keywords such as “weight loss for diabetic teens“ or whatever your research indicates is a good keyword. Write articles and build links for those keywords first. You can do the occasional general “weight loss” article and link in the meantime, but spend more effort on low-hanging fruit first.
Once you get the ball rolling, you will have an easier time ranking for more competitive keywords. After you establish yourself as the authority on overweight diabetic teens, you can move on to another niche subject and do the same thing there. Over time, you will find it easier and easier to dominate new niches and make money.
Keep expanding into new niches, dominating and then repeating. Add content and build links for your long term goal, but don´t spend every waking second on that long term goal. If you keep expanding, dominating and moving on to another niche, one day you will wake up and realize you have an authority Website. Congratulations.