Giving a Velvet Touch to Your WordPress Landing Page

Creating delightful first impressions works everywhere – whether you are running a gift shop, or a website. Both involve a greater degree of indulgence on your part to make sure the visitors are pleased at what they see and are willing to spend more time contemplating on your offerings.
Coming back to websites, it would be stating the obvious that the landing page of your website is what creates the first impressions, and you have every reason and inclination to ensure the impressions are tilted in your favor. WordPress, specifically, gives you a lot of scope to play around your website’s look and feel. While there are numerous plugins to cater to your landing page design needs, you also need to branch out and pay attention to details.
Colors and Textures
If you are more than glad with the regular website texture, you are filing to push the envelope and take a bigger stride towards drawing users’ attention. You need to be careful with the color schemes you use on the landing page, which should be in-lieu with what your website is all about and what it represents. Splashing the dashes of pink on the landing page a fitness website would murder the first impression. So, try fancy where you need fancy, and show restraint where subtlety should be an underlying message.
Typography on the Landing Page
Paying attention to a little typography that is present on the home page will serve you well. Typography goes beyond using fancy fonts, as there is a whole lot of set up to the typography of your website. Enhancements in the overall design with which the text is aligned, the colors used at various places, the typefaces and the kerning can take your website places.
Responsiveness of Images
Sure, the high definition images are placed to boggle the minds of the visitors, and that works – but only when your visitor is using a device where those images do not crawl while loading. For making sure your website is mobile-ready, Responsive Image can be a great ally or you can add images which size in few kilobytes and don’t put a whole lot of load on the devices and browsers.
Turn to Plugins
Doesn’t WordPress make your job of website management easier with its suite of extensions and plugins? Well, it has its share of aids in the form of plugins for you to build a better landing page.
You cannot fall short of ways to enhance the landing page of your WordPress site. Pick one of the techniques or plugins you deem fit for your website.