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5 Advantages of Using a CMS to Design your Intranet

Content management systems have taken web design by storm. Nearly 480 million websites use WordPress, one of the most popular free Content Management Systems (CMS), making up 40 percent of the CMS market share. Still, nearly 70 percent of websites do not use a CMS at all. Many developers view using a CMS as an option for non-technical people. It’s true that designing a website using a CMS does not require knowledge of HTML or any other programming language. However, the advantages of a CMS reach far beyond simply providing a platform for the web design layman. In fact, organizations like Forbes, CNN, Warner Brothers and Sony use a CMS to build and manage their websites. Surely, these large corporations have a fully staffed IT department capable of using coding languages to design their websites. Consider five reasons a CMS is the right choice for any size company with any size IT staff.

1 – Balance Content with User Experience

A successful website, whether an intranet or an internet site, results from the mix of various roles. For example, communication and marketing staff focus on messaging, calls to action and user experience, while IT staff focus on things like functionality and SEO. A CMS balances these roles, making it easy for staff to what they do best, that is to produce content that appeals to their target audience.
User experience and quality content are just as important on your intranet as your external website. Your CMS makes it quick and easy to engage employees with relevant, up-to-date news, policy changes or fun promotions. Push important content out in just minutes with the confidence of knowing it will be published in a way that is consistent with the organization’s vision.

2 – Install Instantly

Businesses can literally complete their design, upload content and launch a new website within minutes when using a CMS. Even the most experienced coder must still take the time to create and organize web pages, images and graphics in the server’s web directory. While there is a level of satisfaction that comes with creating a site from scratch, most coders will admit there is also a level of frustration while you work out bugs and tweak your code for the perfect user experience.

Conversely, by using a CMS you get the advantage of using a platform that has been tested and tweaked already. While you may have to live with the architectural decisions of other designers, you get the benefits of being part of a large pool of users, and working with coders that have been required to build in flexibility for hundreds, thousands or even millions of users. Leverage their experience to get your intranet up and running quickly.

3 – Improve Workflow

A key benefit of an intranet is to organize your employee’s activities all in one place. They can communicate, manage projects, find files, get news updates and learn about the company all in one place. A CMS makes this workflow management possible by allowing content to be quickly added and removed. Your CMS gives you the platform to define an effective content creation process.

Develop a strategy and define roles based on your CMS. For example, your intranet content creation workflow may involve content authors, editors and a content manager. A CMS makes the process of creating, editing and approving content easy and efficient, creating a truly collaborative process that leverages the assets of all departments. In just a few key strokes, a content manager can see the status of all content, assign tasks, review drafts or give someone else the authority to do so.

4 – Intranet Customization is Still Possible

A common misconception is that using a CMS means that your website will not be unique, having a “boxed” look and feel. In reality, a CMS gives you the best of both worlds: all the benefits of a CMS plus the ability to customize. You get the benefit of a consistent intranet or website. Too much flexibility, allowing anyone to customize a page on a whim, will lead to a marketing nightmare. On the other hand, when you want to make logical changes, you are not wed to default CMS settings. While custom design capabilities will vary based on the CMS you choose, here is a simple example that will apply to most

Let’s say you have an employee blog that is managed through your intranet CMS. The CMS defaults to showing the first paragraph, then providing a “read more” link to continue reading. However, there might be occasions when you want two paragraphs displayed or just one sentence before offering the “read more” link. Add an HTML tag within your text editor to place the link right where you want it.

  • Most CMS editors would recognize a tag like this: <xmp><!-more-></xmp>
  • You could also use a full hyperlink tag like:
    <xmp><a href="fullURLhere">Read more.</a></xmp>

Most CMS platforms allow for similar HTML style and formatting codes that make it easy for you to customize the formatting on just one page. The amount of customization is a critical factor that must be considered when deciding on a CMS. How much customization is allowed? What is the charge if I need customization beyond my skill set?

We already mentioned that WordPress consumes 40 percent of CMS-based websites. The next biggest CMS software is Drupal at nine percent usage. However, another 40 percent are built on vendor platforms out of the mainstream. Why? While proprietary CMS software is not free, many times the advantages outweigh the costs. In fact, CMS Report puts “dedicated support” at the top of its list of benefits. Consider this. The most popular CMS platform, WordPress, only employs a little over 200 people to care for millions of users. CMS Report lists “lack of customer support” and “cost of improvements” among the disadvantages of open source CMS software. “Free” software is not free if you must hire support to help you customize. Therefore, it is critical to determine the level of customization and support you will need when selecting a CMS for your intranet or website.

5 – Improved Analytics

A survey of CMS users revealed that 63 percent use their CMS daily for reporting and analytics functionality. One of the most important parts of your content strategy is measuring its impact, even on your company’s intranet. Analytics provide insight into what is important to your employees and how engaged they are. Developing an efficient way to collect data is just one more time-consuming process when you design an intranet without a CMS. An effective CMS enables you to track performance and react accordingly.

While using a content management system is not required for running a successful website, it makes the task much easier. Additionally, a CMS makes the continued maintenance and content editing much more productive. Don’t presume that a CMS is just one more piece of software to train employees to use. In fact, the above mentioned survey found that only six percent of respondents say learning to use the CMS was a “major challenge.” The bottom line is that learning the CMS improved productivity with very little learning curve.

No organization is static. It is constantly evolving. Likewise, your website and intranet must evolve as well. Maintaining your intranet is key to engaging employees, which directly affects customer service, innovation, productivity, and ultimately profits. Whether you have the technical expertise to code your own website or not, give your business the advantage of a CMS.

15 Killer SEO Tips for Your Landing Page

You may have several landing pages on your site. After all, you want people to do different things when they land, based on where they might be in your sales funnel. A link on Facebook might bring a new visitor to a page that has a free offer, so that you can get an email address. A link in your emails to loyal customers might bring them to a page that is providing special discounts just for them. Still other links in your blog posts may offer upgrades to readers who will subscribe to your newsletter. Each landing must be optimized both for the visitor and for SEO, so that search engines will take note and improve your rankings. Here is a brief review of what basic requirements for all landing pages, and then some tips for improving your SEO on those landing pages.

Anatomy of a Good Landing Page

This list may not include everything you may have on your landing page; however, it does include those things you must have.

  1. Content that relates only to the benefit you promised the visitor. Stick to the topic for which the visitor has come and add nothing new. If you have promised a free trial, then you give them the information and the form to get that – nothing more
  2. Very Strong Headline – this attracts attention right away and lets the visitor know s/he is on the right page
  3. A CTA that relates only to the benefit that has been offered
  4. Content that is easily scannable, if you must have it
  5. Testing to ensure that the load time is fast, and that if they are sent to another page to finish receiving the benefit (not recommended) that it loads within 2 seconds as well.

Anatomy of an SEO Optimized Page

Once you have ensured that your landing page is just as it should be, you will need to optimize it for SEO. Remember, the goal here is rankings. Here are 15 tips for for Your Landing Page SEO:

1. An Engaging Title with Your primary Keyword Included

If your title/headline is great, visitors will know they are in the right place and they will be enticed to keep looking. The longer they stay the greater chance that they will take the benefit. This is good for you and for SEO. This title will show up during organic searches, and it must be creative if people are going to choose you over others.

2. A Great Description

Your meta description may not be directly related to SEO but it is indirectly so. It, too, shows up on organic searches and is important in getting those searchers to click your page rather than your competitors’. Each click is noted by search engines. You should have one secondary keyword, perhaps a long tail phrase in your meta description.

3. Page Headline with Keyword Included

This is the first thing that is seen upon landing. Use the same keyword that is in your title of your search result. Give your visitor a compelling reason to stay on the page, repeating the benefit to be had.

4. Content that Focuses Only on the Benefit

If you must have some content, stay focused on what the visitor is getting. And, in that content, focus on a few words/phrases (secondary keywords) that will help build the kind of topical authority you need to improve your rankings.

5. Make any Content Scannable

Let your visitors move quickly through your text. You do this by breaking it up, with good hierarchy, bullet points, and headings/sub-headings. You already do this with your blog posts with good content strategy. Follow the same “rules” here.

6. No Clutter

Nothing will confuse a visitor more or cause him/her to bounce that a page cluttered with all sorts of stuff. They came here for one thing – keep all visuals and content short and sweet and let the visitor get what s/he came for.

7. Inbound Links

This is perhaps the most important key to SEO rankings. Search engines are very mindful of the inbound links you are getting to your landing pages. They are also very mindful of where they are coming from. Do not have links out there sitting on dubious websites or sites that are totally unrelated to your niche.

8. Options for Social Sharing

Make sure that your visitors can share this great benefit with their communities. When they do this, more people come; when more people come, your business picks up. So does your ranking.

9. Call-to-Action

The whole point of a landing page is to get your visitor to do something. Make the call-to-action clear and focused only on the benefit you promised to get them there. They fill out a form, provide their first name and email address, etc. Make sure they know what to do and how to do it.

10. Testing

Test your landing page when you design it; test your landing page from every type of device; test your landing page every time you change something. The user experience has to be good or that user will bounce.

11. Speed

The speed with which your landing page loads is critical for SEO. Two seconds is really your goal. If you go beyond three, you are sunk.

12. Get help with SEO

There are any number of good SEO tools and many are free. Use one to analyze your landing page, and make corrections as suggested.

13. Keep Up on Keywords

Popular keywords for any niche will change over time, especially now that searches are now being conducted with longer phrases. Google charges for its keyword tool but there are alternative tools that are just as good.

14. Check Your Competitors’ Landing Pages

If your competitors are ranking higher than you on organic searches, visit those landing pages and see what they are doing differently. You may get some good ideas for changes.

15. Rotate Your Benefits and Offers

You can increase traffic if you rotate the benefits of your landing pages. Those who took advantage of one may easily come back for more if they were pleased. And they will share those new benefits with their communities too.


Optimizing pages for SEO and creating good landing pages for PPC is smart. Creating an optimized landing page that provides twice the performance with half the effort is smarter. While SEO and PPC provide two unique functions, you don’t always need two pages to do the job, when only one will do… and do it better!