
UPDATE: As of June 23, 2012, this blog is a NoFollow blog. I am sorry, but I am tired of moderating all the junk comments filled out manually by people just to get link juice for SEO purposes.

DoFollow is a term that does not really exist. It is a slang term given to Websites that are not utilizing nofollow. nofollow is a value that can be assigned to the rel attribute of an HTML tag to instruct some search engines not to pass on any influence to an outbound link. The nofollow value was intended to stop comment spam in blogs. Commenting is recognized as a good way to get one way backlinks. The problem it has been abused and thus the creation of the nofollow value back in 2005.

By default WordPress sets all comments´ hyperlinks to nofollow. However, for this blog, I added custom code to overcome this default setting and allow links back to your Website to be DoFollow when you leave a comment on this blog.

Some consider DoFollow as bribing visitors for comments, while others consider it as rewarding visitors that leave a comment. I tend to agree with the latter, but whatever your opinion about it is, DoFollow encourages interaction with your readers. One negative side though is that it increases comment moderation duties.

Comment Guidelines

  1. All comments are moderated.
  2. Please read the post, and related comments if any, before commenting.
  3. Comments must be relevant and add value to the topic. I can´t stress enough the quality of your comment.
  4. Comments such as: “Nice post”, “Thanks for sharing” or “I completely agree” are not acceptable. Please don´t waste my time or yours.
  5. All comment´s outgoing links will be checked to make sure that they don´t point to a spam or Bad Neighborhood Websites.
  6. I reserve the right to edit your comment and remove any links as I see fit.
  7. I reserve the right to decline your comment.

Thanks for commenting, I appreciate it. Your opinion matters, unless it is a spam.