Archive for February, 2012

WordPress Tip: How To Separate Comments From Trackbacks & Pingbacks Using wp_list_comments Function

In this tutorial, I will show you how to separate pings (Trackbacks & Pingbacks) from comments when using the wp_list_comments() function in WordPress. The wp_list_comments() function is located in the comments.php file in your theme´s folder.

The wp_list_comments() purpose is to display all comments (including Trackbacks & Pingbacks) for posts based on a variety of parameters including ones set in the dashboard in Settings -> Discussion panel. Continue Reading »

WordPress Tip: How To Exclude Pages From wp_nav_menu Function

In this tutorial, I will show you how to exclude certain pages from the navigation menu when using the wp_nav_menu() function in WordPress. The wp_nav_menu() function is usually located in the header.php file in your theme´s folder.

To my surprise, I discovered that the wp_nav_menu() does not contain “exclude” as one of its parameters. So in this case, how to prevent certain pages from showing up in the menu? Continue Reading »

How To Add HTML Sitemap For Custom Post Types in WordPress

In this tutorial, I will show you how to dynamically display an HTML Sitemap for Custom Post Types in WordPress without the need of a plugin. Dynamically means that the Sitemap updates automatically with every new Custom post added. Yes, there are plugins that add an HTML Sitemap to your blog. But I encourage you to read my previous post about unnecessarily adding plugins to your theme, and you don´t need a plugin for such a simple task. Continue Reading »

How To Add Sortable Custom Columns in WordPress Dashboard

In a previous tutorial, I showed you how to display a plain, non-sortable “Views” Column for Posts in the WordPress Dashboard. In this tutorial, I will show you how to make that “Views” Custom Column Sortable for Posts, ascending or descending based on the number of post views.

A WordPress developer asked me the following question: Is there a way to make the “Views” Custom Column sortable in the WordPress dashboard? Continue Reading »

Top 10 Free Antivirus Software For Windows

Antivirus software provides an essential layer of protection from a range of viruses, trojans, worms, spywares, adwares, dialers, keyloggers and rootkit infections. Most current Antivirus programs have a reasonably good detection rates of all forms of malware.

When your computer connects to the Internet, it is exposed to viruses and other malicious software. Continue Reading »